THE parents of the man convicted of trying to kill his own baby want Custody of injured child from mom WTF?

Breed Woman Breed—but you will never have your offspring, every one else has their rights above yours. RUN MOTHERS RUN!

THEY take her injured son from her because HE Tries to kill her son WTF? Vulnerable? You bet killer dads dont just beat their children—they TORTURE the mother of their children. GIVE HER BACK her child!!!

Custody battle over tot battered by dad

THE parents of the man convicted of trying to kill his own baby will try and get custody for the injured child in a legal battle that starts next week.

The child is likely to experience learning and mobility problems for the rest of his life after his skull was cracked in a brutal attack on January 6.

A family court hearing is due to start next week as the parents of the convicted man battle with the tot's mum's family for custody of the child, now aged seven months.

His dad is starting a 17-year jail term for attempted murder.

The baby is currently in the care of Doncaster Council after being taken away from his 17-year-old mum in the wake of the terrible attack.

Lawyers acting for Doncaster Council said the "emotional temperature" of the case was running hot as both parties waited "in the wings" for a verdict in the criminal trial of the baby's dad.

The teenage mum has a history of violence and depression and has been known to Doncaster Council social services since March 2008.

She was labelled a 'vulnerable parent' when visited by health workers after her baby's birth.

Sheffield Crown Court heard she was a 'loner' who had dropped out of school and lived in a crowded household with money problems.

Chris Pratt, director of children's services in Doncaster, said: "Doncaster Council's children's services were involved historically with the family but not at the time of the injury.

"Following the incident the council has been working in partnership with the police and continues to support the family."

In February a council statement said a serious case review would not be required.

Seven children died in the Doncaster area over five years as a result of abuse or neglect, leading to a takeover of Doncaster's children's services in March 2009.

An independent review found childcare provision was "seriously weak".

The latest case comes a year after the Edlington disaster, when two young boys were tortured by two brothers, aged 11 and 12.

A serious case review found the Edlington attacks had been "preventable".

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Stuart Showalter Neo Nazi-Fathers Rights Advocate-Abusers Rights Advocate Glenn Sacks-Abusers Advocate,Right Wing Terrorist- Fathers Rights. Warren Farrell, Mike J Murphy, Jeremy Swanson, Mark K Godbey, Donald Tenn, Stan Rains, Richard A. Gardner coined the term Parental Alienation Syndrome

WordPress Tags: Custody,Woman,rights,Vulnerable,killer,children,TORTURE,GIVE,BACK,problems,life,skull,January,Doncaster,Council,temperature,verdict,history,violence,depression,services,March,parent,health,workers,Sheffield,Crown,Court,loner,money,Chris,Pratt,director,injury,incident,partnership,February,statement,Seven,area,result,takeover,provision,Edlington,disaster,Parental,Alienation,Syndrome,Stuart,Showalter,Nazi,Advocate,Abusers,Glenn,Terror,Warren,Farrell,Mike,Murphy,Jeremy,Swanson,Mark,Godbey,Donald,Tenn,Stan,Richard,Gardner,Lawyers,Fathers,parents,week

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