Fathers' Rights Movement (BUSTING THE FATHERHOOD MYTH)

  • Busting the Fatherhood Myth by Lily DeVilliers

  • Case for Father Custody, The email exchange between liz and FR Nick Szabo

  • Deconstructing Fatherhood Propaganda: liz versus Wade Horn editorial by liz

  • Deconstructing the Deconstructing: liz versus Silverstein and Auerbach editorial by liz

  • Disagreeing with Helen Alvare editorial by liz

  • Father's Rights Joint Custody Propaganda from the AAML editorial notes by liz

  • Media Distortions by Fathers' Rights Advocates editorial by liz

  • Myths and Facts about Fathers and Family Law CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • The National Fatherhood Initiative editorial criticism by liz

    with email comments by David Usher (FR lobbying 1995 welfare deform)

  • Politics of Fathers' Rights Advocates by Mandy Dunn DOC CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Response to "Be Thankful for Fathers" by Amy Ridenour editorial by liz

  • Stalking Through the Courts: the father's rights movement by Janet Normalvanbreucher SCHOLAR

  • Index: "The Pig Page" - The Father's Rights Movement In Their Own Words

  • "The Pig Page" - The Father's Rights Movement In Their Own Words page 2

  • "The Pig Page" - The Father's Rights Movement In Their Own Words page 3

  • About the Children's Rights Council circa 1998 by liz

  • ANCPR readers defend Darren Mack, wife-murderer and judge shooter

  • Wolfgang Hirczy de Mino on Linda Elrod's Washburn family law listserve

  • Dean Hughson (FR originator of web site sold to current owner of Divorce Source)

  • Anne P. Mitchell's F.R.E.E. bit.listserve defending murderer

  • NCFC Dispute with ACFC (in-fighting)

  • Attorney Steven Imparl's "men-law" listserve

  • More posts from the"men-law" listserve

  • And yet more posts from the"men-law" listserve

  • Ralph Underwager's "Litany for Fathers" with Paedika pedophilia comments by liz

  • Ralph Underwager feeling misunderstood and falsely accused by liz

  • Response to Father's Rightster "Pearle Harbour" by liz

  • Trish Wilson's Articles and Materials

  • Warren Farrell materials index

  • Warren Farrell and "family sex" (Off Our Backs interview) annotated by liz

  • Warren Farrell and "genitally caressing" (Penthouse interview) annotated by liz

  • complete html text of the 1977 Penthouse article "Incest: The Last Taboo"

  • jpg images of original magazine pages:    1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6

  • Farrell emails libeling liz, interspersed with comments by liz

  • More Farrell emails libeling liz, interspersed with responses by liz

  • Warren Farrell's research distortions in "Myth of Male Power" by Cynthia Teague

  • Warren Farrell's "Top Ten Holiday Suggestions" by liz

  • Warren Farrell Does a Custody Evaluation by liz

  • No comments:

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