Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Domestic violence and abuse issues are integrated with the issues of child custody, parental alienation theory, father's rights, and therapeutic jurisprudence (the influx of psychology into the family court system), etc., so check those sections too. NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles.

  • Index: LIZNOTES Table of Contents

  • Articles and Information that cut through the slop CITATIONS TO RESEARCH; LINKS

  • Battered Mothers' Testimony Project Report by AZCADV PDF SCHOLAR

  • Battered Women and Their Children by Kathleen Waits SCHOLAR

  • Beaten, Raped, Robbed: Unmasking "Father's Rights" Movement by Kathleen Parker ESSAY

  • Child sex abuse, the limits of Loftus, and overblowing the memory research LIZNOTES, CITES

  • Coercive Control by Evan Stark DOC SCHOLAR

  • Counter to the "no long-term harm" argument by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Court Order in In Re Sharline Nicholson, et al., March 1, 2002 (NY) PDF SCHOLAR

  • Domestic Violence Bibliography and Reading List by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Domestic Violence by Proxy by Joyanna Silberg, Ph.D. (Leadership Council) SCHOLAR

  • False Memory Movement's Remedy for a Nonexistent Problem by Judith M. Simon SCHOLAR

  • Fairness and Accuracy in Evaluations of DV and Abuse by Smith and Coukos PDF SCHOLAR

  • Gun Control by Gina Guest ESSAY; CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

  • Issues and Dilemmas in Domestic Violence APA Domestic Violence Taskforce SCHOLAR

  • "Maternal alienation": new research by Anne Morris DOC SCHOLAR

  • Myths and Facts about Young Women's Violence by Elizabeth Frye Society SCHOLAR

  • 2007 NCJFCJ Judges' Guide to Custody Evaluations in Cases of Abuse PDF SCHOLAR

  • 2009 NCJFCJ Judges' Guide to Custody Evaluations in Cases of Abuse PDF SCHOLAR

  • A Mixed and Dangerous Tool (critique of prior guide) by Joan Zorza SCHOLAR

  • Ralph Underwager's "Litany for Fathers" with Paedika pedophilia comments by liz

  • Ralph Underwager feeling misunderstood and falsely accused by liz

  • Research on young women's rising arrests, Penn State 2006 RESEARCH PR

  • Stalking Through the Courts: the father's rights movement by Janet Normalvanbreucher SCHOLAR

  • Statistics:Men versus Women Child Abuse by liz

  • The Proper Role of Mental Health Professionals in Domestic Violence Cases by Barry Goldstein, Esq. Editorial

  • Troubling Admission of Supervised Visitation Records in Court by Stern/Oehme PDF SCHOLAR

  • Understanding the Batterer in Custody and Visitation Disputes by Lundy Bancroft PDF SCHOLAR

  • Unspeakable: Father-Daughter Incest in American History, by Lynn Sacco (excerpt of introduction)

  • What is Fair for Children of Abusive Men? by Jack C. Straton, Ph.D. SCHOLAR

  • When Paradigms Collide: Protecting Battered Parents and Children by Clare Dalton SCHOLAR

  • Why He Kills by Caroline Overington PDF SCHOLAR

  • Wife Beating (the original classic) by liz

  • Will He Kill? How judges can assess risk by liz CITATIONS TO RESEARCH

    with link to Maryland Lethality Assessment Protocol

  • WordPress Tags: Child,Abuse,Domestic,Violence,custody,alienation,theory,father,rights,influx,system,NOTE,LIZNOTES,index,links,Table,Contents,Information,CITATIONS,RESEARCH,Testimony,Project,Report,AZCADV,SCHOLAR,Women,Children,Beaten,Movement,Parker,ESSAY,Loftus,memory,Coercive,Control,Evan,Stark,Counter,argument,Court,Order,Sharline,Nicholson,March,Bibliography,List,Proxy,Joyanna,Silberg,Leadership,Council,False,Remedy,Nonexistent,Problem,Judith,Simon,Accuracy,Smith,Coukos,Gina,Guest,Taskforce,Maternal,Anne,Morris,Myths,Facts,Young,Elizabeth,Frye,NCJFCJ,Judges,Guide,Cases,Dangerous,Tool,Joan,Zorza,Ralph,Underwager,Litany,Paedika,comments,Penn,State,Through,Courts,Janet,Normalvanbreucher,Statistics,Proper,Role,Mental,Health,Barry,Goldstein,Editorial,Admission,Visitation,Records,Stern,Oehme,Batterer,Lundy,Bancroft,Unspeakable,Daughter,Incest,American,History,Lynn,Sacco,excerpt,introduction,Fair,Abusive,Jack,Straton,Paradigms,Collide,Parents,Clare,Dalton,Caroline,Overington,Wife,Kill,Maryland,Assessment,Protocol,locations,articles,Evaluations,Dilemmas,Fathers

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