I am STILL waiting for a hearing date to advance this… well I have been waiting 15 years for any justice—and I guess we will still wait longer. Now, IF I put the tribute Video of my dead mother and daughter up—I’d be in court in two days—( past experience)

AND, IN CONTEMPT AGAIN for —the powerful LOVE that is shown between three generations in that TRIBUTE VIDEO, LOVE HOPE & EMPOWERMENT

Recall they did not allow child to even attend her Grandmothers funeral. (re-listening as I hyperlinked to this-UNREAL brings me back down to the reality of the genocide)

But, I was found in Contempt. Daddy dearest as we all know—can beat the shit out of his daughters mother through out the years—and they call it as “MOM is not ‘co-parenting’. WTF"?

Yes this IS Justice. Raped, Blind folded gagged and rolled in the mud- then the gang bang begins again.

Welcome to mandatory shared parenting, and the abusers right lobby (aka fathers Rights, Parental Alienation, PAS whatever oppressive coined term of the day) to continue to abuse.

Welcome to the Fathers Rights Movement.

Welcome to hell.

American Mothers Political Party: coming soon:

and-We Will Be Victorious

So Halleck G Richardson II, Owner of Minuteman Solar Film Topeka, Kansas. Your Reign of Terror can not last forever-

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall––think of it--always. --Mahatma Gandhi

That--and Karma IS a bitch. The Universal Justice.


01/29/2010 MISC. Petitioner in person and by Jason Hoffman. Respondent in person and by Robert E. Duncan, II. G.A.L., Jill Dykes, present. Court Reporter: Digital Div. 13. Motion #88 to find Respondent in Contempt and Motion #87 by Respondent to Modify Visitation before Court.

Evidence presented - Court finds Petitioner has failed to prove an intentional violation of Court's prior orders by Respondent and denies motion to find Respondent in contempt.

Court finds minor child has serious concerns about parenting time with mother but they do not rise to the level that would seriously endanger child's physical, mental, moral or emotional health per K.S.A. 60-1616(a). Further, reasons for ordering supervised parenting time in 2004 were not presented in the evidence, minor child is 15 now and it is in best interest of child that both parents have relationship with child.

Court orders unsupervised parenting time from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. every Sunday, starting January 31, 2010 - exchanges at LEC, parenting time to be exercised in public within boundary of Shawnee County, Kansas. Neither parent to discuss divorce, proceedings or other parent with child. Respondent allowed to call daughter every Tuesday and Thursday between 8:00 p.m and 9:00 p.m. for 1/2 hour. Respondent to pay her remaining balance at Odyssey. Court will review case on March 2, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. to determine if parenting time should be expanded. Duncan to do JE. DBD

Soooo what has happened?? Ya think any part of this Order was followed? nope, custody hell in Kansas continues (Coercive Control)



1. February 2nd, 2010 Tuesday 8:15 PM- CALL DENIED.

2. February 3rd, 2010 Wednesday- 7:39 PM- CALL DENIED.

3. February 4th, 2010 Thursday- 8:30 PM –CALL DENIED.

4. February 9th, 2010 Tuesday 8:00 PM -CALL DENIED.

5. February 16th 2009 Tuesday 8:30 PM –CALL DENIED.

6. February 18th, 2010 8:00 PM- CALL DENIED.

7. February 21st, 2010 12:20 PM VISIT CANCELLED.

8. February 23rd, 2010 Tuesday 8:30 pm- CALL DENIED.

9. March 2, 2010 Tuesday 8:30 pm –CALL DENIED.

10. March 4th, 2010 Thursday 8:29 PM- CALL DENIED.

11. March 9th 2010 Tuesday 8:45 PM-CALL DENIED.

12. March 11, 2010 Thursday 8: 50 PM-CALL DENIED.

13. March 16th, 2010 Tuesday 8:05 PM- CALL DENIED.

14. March 18th, 2010 Thursday 8:27 PM-CALL DENIED.

15. March 23rd, 2010 Tuesday 8:35 PM-CALL DENIED.

16. March 25th, 2010 Thursday 8:15 PM- CALL DENIED.

17. March 30th, 2010 Tuesday 8:05 PM-CALL DENIED.

18. April 1st, 2010 Thursday 2010 8:15 PM –CALL DENIED.

19. April 6th, 2010 Tuesday, 8:10 PM-CALL DENIED.

20. April 8th, 2010 Thursday 8:25 PM-CALL DENIED.

21. April 15th, 2010 Thursday 8:37 PM –CALL DENIED.

22. April 20th, 2010 Tuesday 8:25 PM-CALL DENIED.

23. April 22nd, 2010 Thursday 8:18 PM-CALL DENIED.

24. April 27TH, 2010 Tuesday 8:25 PM-CALL DENIED.

25. April 29th, 2010 Thursday 7:55 PM-CALL DENIED.

26. May 4th, 2010 Tuesday 8:30 PM-CALL DENIED.

27. May 6th, 2010 Wednesday 8:27 PM-CALL DENIED.

28. May 9th, 2010 Sunday Visit- Mothers day-VISIT LATE BY TEN MINUTES

29. May 13th, 2010 Thursday 8:05 PM –CALL DENIED

30. May 16TH, 2010 Sunday Visit-VISIT LATE NINE MINUTES

31. May 18th, 2010 Tuesday 8:07 PM-CALL DENIED

32. May 20th, 2010 Thursday 8:20 PM -CALL DENIED.

33. May 23rd, 2010 Sunday- VISIT CANCELLED.

34. May 25th, 2010 Tuesday-8:15 pm -CALL DENIED.

35. May 27th, 2010 Thursday- 8:28 CALL DENIED.

36. May 30th, 2010 Sunday Visit -VISIT LATE BY TWENTY MINUTES.

37. June 1, 2010 Tuesday 8:20PM-CALL DENIED.

38. June 3, 2010 Thursday 8:00 PM –CALL DENIED

39. June 6, 2010 Sunday Visit-1:15 PM VISIT LATE BY FIFTEEN MINUTES.

40. June 8, 2010 Tuesday 8:05 PM-CALL DENIED

41. June 10, 2010 Thursday 8:25 PM-CALL DENIED

42. June 13, 2010 Sunday 1:00 PM –VISIT CANCELLED.

43. June 15th, 2010 Tuesday 8:20 PM= CALL DENIED.

44. June 17th, 2010 Thursday 8:15 PM – CALL DENIED.

45. June 20th, 2010 SUNDAY VISIT- NO SHOW- NO CALL

46. June 22nd, 2010 TUESDAY 8:00 PM –CALL DENIED

47. June 24th, 20100 Thursday 8:15 PM-CALL DENIED

48. June 27th, 2010 SUNDAY 1:00 PM VISIT- DENIED

49. June 29th, 2010 Tuesday -8:10 PM- CALL DENIED

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Stuart Showalter Neo Nazi-Fathers Rights Advocate-Abusers Rights Advocate Glenn Sacks-Abusers Advocate,Right Wing Terrorist- Fathers Rights. Warren Farrell, Mike J Murphy, Jeremy Swanson, Mark K Godbey, Donald Tenn, Stan Rains, Richard A. Gardner coined the term Parental Alienation Syndrome

WordPress Tags: RICHARDSON,CRIMINAL,PARENTAL,INTERFERNCE,CONTEMPT,CUSTODIAL,ABUSE,HOSTAGE,STILL,justice,tribute,Video,daughter,AGAIN,LOVE,HOPE,EMPOWERMENT,Recall,Grandmothers,funeral,UNREAL,Daddy,dearest,Blind,gang,Welcome,Rights,Alienation,Movement,hell,American,Political,Victorious,Halleck,Owner,Minuteman,Solar,Film,Topeka,Kansas,Reign,Terror,history,truth,Mahatma,Gandhi,Karma,Universal,MISC,Petitioner,person,Jason,Hoffman,Respondent,Robert,Duncan,Jill,Dykes,Court,Reporter,Digital,Motion,Modify,Visitation,Evidence,violation,orders,health,Further,relationship,January,boundary,Shawnee,Neither,parent,proceedings,Odyssey,March,Soooo,Order,custody,Coercive,Control,DIRECT,COURTS,February,CALL,VISIT,April,LATE,MINUTES,NINE,June,Syndrome,Stuart,Showalter,Nazi,Advocate,Abusers,Glenn,Warren,Farrell,Mike,Murphy,Jeremy,Swanson,Mark,Godbey,Donald,Tenn,Stan,Richard,Gardner,generations,fathers,tyrants,murderers,VIOLATIONS

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