Los Angeles County DCFS Child Social Workers violating Laws - Philip L. Browning Los Angeles County Children and Family Services

Another PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome) Scandal.This came from a grandfather seeking help for his daughter and grand-daughter. Please scroll down to read the letter sent to all major media and the DA who refuses to protect a child from her pedophile father. DCFS et el --Google your names now, you have been exposed. California Highway Patrol Report



I just want to share with you the problems our daughter and granddaughter are having with Los Angeles County DCFS.  On Sunday April 1 at 7:00 pm I will be on Straight Talk with John Narzarin (link )I will be discussing the problems with Professional monitor Phyllis Block and DCFS violating policies, procedures, court orders,etc and continue to do so with no regards to our granddaughter's safety and health.

I myself never thought this could happen to my family, but here we are fighting to save our granddaughter who was raped by her father Jason Moncibais.  Our granddaughter continues to be molested and abused by Jason's father Sal Moncibais and his wife Margaret (Killeen) Moncibais and DCFS is not doing anything to stop it.  In fact, they charged my daughter for emotional abuse, fabricated lies and had the judge drop the molestation charges against the father and asked for custody to be switched to the child abuser and molester father.  This is totally sick minded people and my tax dollar is paying for DCFS to punish my daughter and granddaughter...just sick

I have also attached an email sent to Philip Browning who is suppose to be in charge of LA County DCFS, but I believe he is just window dressing,   Hopefully the file won't be too big for most of you, where I will find a bunch of return emails.

Rick Perez

Reseda, CA 91335


BCC to other moms and advocates

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "Rick" <>
Sent: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 01:04:54 -0700
Subject: Los Angeles County DCFS Child Social Workers violating Laws

TO: Philip L. Browning Los Angeles County Children and Family Services

Phone: (213) 351-5600 Fax: (213) 427-6125

E-mail:,, Philip L. Browning, Paul Freedlund, Lisa Mandel, Antonio Villaraigosa

Morning Mr. Browning,

Los Angeles County DCFS Child Social Workers are violating Local Laws, Court Orders, DCFS Policies / Procedures and Violating my Daughter’s and Granddaughter’s rights as victim of crime in the California Constitution and the U. S. Constitution. Whether it’s the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) or U.N. Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) they would be in the eyes of the world as violators of International laws. How can the United States dictate to other countries how to treat human beings when they don’t enforce their own laws at all levels of government?

Los Angeles County Child Abuse and Neglect Protocol (ICAN) were developed for all agencies to work together quickly and efficiently to assure the protection, safety, and health an alleged child abuse and neglect. The Los Angeles County Child Abuse and Neglect indicated in their Mission Statement:

“Protocol is promulgated to serve as a guideline for professionals countywide to protect victims of abuse, to maximize successful interventions, to hold abusers responsible and accountable for the harm done, and to prevent new victimizations.”

I have sent to you the attached letter once before with no response from you concerning children’s court case CK90067and Jason Moncibais DUI Arrest report, which I have sent to various officials at DCFS and to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, but apparently they have no concerns in the regards to the continuation of our granddaughter being abused, molested and endangered by her father Jason Moncibais and the paternal grandfather Sal Moncibais and step-grandmother Margaret Killeen.

Deviation from these guidelines will not promote protection to the children who are victims of abuse and neglect, our granddaughter is an example of that deviation.

Please see the attached letter and I do have the California Highway Patrol Narrative/Supplemental dated February 4, 2012 and the Arrest Investigation report dated February 25, 2012. Please note the time when Jason Moncibais was tested for alcohol levels was over 2 ½ hours after he picked up our granddaughter at the LAPD Topanga Police Station and it was entered as .23 @ 1409 hrs .26 @ 1413 hrs and .22 @ 1417 hrs in the report. Blood Alcohol Count levels diminishes .015 per hour and just think what his BAC level was at the time when CHP officer Hines first observed Jason Moncibais driving into the church parking lot with our granddaughter in the vehicle, as high as .29 BAC @ 1210 hrs. My daughter requested for an officer at the front counter to check if Jason Moncibais was intoxicated and the officer refused to check him, because they do not want to get involved. LAPD at their finest moment, “Serve and Protect”

CHP Officer Hines observed on 02/04/2012 at about 12:11 PM a white pickup truck drive into the parking lot and stop directly in front of the stairs where he was standing and saw a Hispanic male (Jason Moncibais) and a young female child.

CHP Officer Hernandez observed the subject exit vehicle and he lost his grip and almost fell out of the vehicle. While the office was speaking with him he smelled the overwhelming odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath, his eyes were red and watery. Mr. Moncibais failed the pre-field sobriety tests.

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