New tool gives abused women a voice in courtroom Advocates pushing for Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit

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Example of How to do an Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit here.

By Marcella RaymondWGN News

One in four women is abused.  Nationwide eight women a day are murdered by an abuser.  But now there is a new tool that is helping women stay alive and giving them a voice in the process.

The evidentiary abuse affidavit was born out of Stacy Peterson’s disappearance.  It is a tool advocates say will wipe out hearsay since it comes from the woman herself.  First she details on paper abuse that, for some, has gone on for decades. The affidavit is witnessed by at least two people and notarized.  Then she reads it on tape.  

Susan Murphy-Milano has advocated for abused women for more than 20 years.  She created the Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit.

  Through Murphy-Milano, at least 1,000 women in the last year have made the evidentiary abuse affidavit.  All of them are still alive.

DuPage County State`s Attorney Robert Berlin says while the Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit statements would take away hearsay, now the 6th Amendment comes in to play where a defendant has the right to confront a witness against him.  Unless there`s more evidence that proves he made her disappear so she couldn`t testify.

The Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit will be available December 25th in app form at apple stores nationwide.

You can also get all the information in Susan Murphy-Milano's book “Time's Up.”  It's available on her

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