Tortured By the Courts and His Unrelentingly Self-Centered Father- Finally, 12-year-old boy Gets to Go Home To His Mom

If he was "wholly deserving" wouldn't his son already have an established relationship with him?  In today's world, men are not in children's lives by their choices!  Women/Mother's are the ones fighting for the right to stay in their children's lives.

You may remember this case from earlier in the year. After this poor boy has been tortured by the courts and his unrelentingly self-centered father, he finally gets to go home to his mom

Court bid ends after boy refuses to live with father

Published on Wed Aug 11 17:44:44 BST 2010

A schoolboy who faced being forced by the High Court to live with the father he said he hates can continue to live with his mother after Warwickshire County Council and the boy's guardian became concerned about his mental health.

Announcing the latest decision in long-running litigation over the fate of the boy, now aged 12, a judge described it as an "extraordinary case".

In a written ruling given, Judge Clifford Bellamy, sitting as a deputy judge of the High Court, said that on July 21 an order was made "by consent of all parties that the boy should continue to live with his mother".

The judge said: "On July 21 2010 a wholly deserving father left my court in tears having been driven to abandon his battle to implement an order which I had made on January 4 2010 that his son, S, now aged 12, should move to live with him."

The child, aged 11 when the original order was made and who can only be referred to as S, faced having to move into his father's full-time care on March 27 following "introductory meetings".

He moved into foster care on March 18 and contact with his father began the next day.

But the judge said that during each of the contact visits which took place during the next week the boy put his head in his lap, put his fingers in his ears, refused to eat and drink and generally refused to engage with his father.

On March 25, on the recommendation of the boy's social worker, the father agreed to the boy returning to live with his 42-year-old mother in the Midlands.

The intention was for further work to be undertaken with the child with a view to moving him into his father's home in the London area.

By July the local authority, Warwickshire County Council, and the boy's guardian had become concerned about his mental health.

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