Mothers: Every Right To Run...

  Recent articles have been floating around about enforcing family court orders.  One of the latest compared mothers as criminals which is no different to the treatment of African Americans for many generations until it got to a point where enough was enough.  If it were anymore barbaric to hunt mothers down like animals, they would be tying her to a ball and chain.  Yes, they have actually done that.  A mother in United States had a tagging device on her ankle for trying to follow one of the most most natural basic instincts: protect her child.   There is no real dissolution of marriage and there never will be until the international community begins to acknowledge some cold hard truths.

1.  Mothers are human beings who have risked her livelihood to ensure the well-being of her children so that they could enter this world.
2.  All mothers in our natural world will risk their lives and at times become fierce creatures to protect children.
3.  Our industrialized world, deplorable treatment of mothers and deliberate poverty contributes to the minority of harm that plagues the spotlight of our media
4.  The ongoing propaganda about fatherlessness is a major case of discrimination against single mothers and their children.     
5.  The ongoing genocide of mothers and children is a direct result of both discrimination and continued systematic attempts to enforce power over her.
6.  Perverting the human right to consent on marriage and dissolution of marriage is constantly being done by using the children as a tactic.
7.  Perverting the human right on the freedom to roam is constantly being done by using the children as a tactic to restrain her and isolate her from access to her culture(Another violation) and to her family.
8.  Children most often want to go and be with their mothers unless there is chemical factors that clash with her ability to mother. 
9.  When a mother is free from coercion, chemical factors and abuse; there is NO reason to deprive the children from her.
10.  Courts seldom investigate family violence. In fact they frequently hinder opportunities to do so.  The mother is on her own to prove her case and even if she proves reason to protect her child, exposure is often ordered by these courts and if she rejects the courts decision. She is subjected to jail, the child is punished and often deprived of her.  It is then no wonder why the highest numbers of parents absconding from everything and everyone they know are mothers with their children.

Sign this petition and stop these rogue practices happening in your country today.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Mothers have very few rights in today's legal "justice" system. Men with money and lawyers have control.
There are SO MANY atrocities in the courts today where women and their children are pawns and victims and the men with money want to keep control of the women and they don't want to pay child support!
This is the crux of the problem, and the courts are reinforcing this problem by making BAD DECISIONS regarding women, their children, and giving custody to men. WHY!!!??? In most cases these men have NEVER BEEN SUPPORTERS OF THESE WOMEN AND CHILDREN. As soon as the mother files for child support the men begin their stalk and their hunt. When a mother files for child support THIS SHOULD BE FILING FOR CUSTODY AT THE SAME TIME! DON'T MAKE IT A SEPARATE ISSUE! Geeeezzzz, she already has taken care of the children by herself, now she has to fight to keep them, then the men want her to pay child support? Half of them don't even work and she's been working two jobs and living on a shoestring just to feed her kids!

What the heck is wrong with this system? Well, if you can't see it, I' going to show you.

I'm going to WALK T WASHINGTON FOR MOTHERS' RIGHTS and I'm going to talk the entire way there. So, if you've got something that you want to be said, please post to my face book or send me an email.

love to all!


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